
Dream Vision Map 2021

Heart Led Soul Fed

Hosted by

Christine Gold

We are exploring your Dreams, your visions, your feelings and intentions for 2021.

It's not about Law of Attraction or Manifesting things, it's about the intentional feeling that matches your vibrational energy, that energy radiates out and comes back in. It's cyclical giving and service.

We will practice the feeling with meditation, intuitive writing and Feel our intentional word from our heart space, our soul chakra!

Meditation starts at 20:10

*** DREAM Vision Map FREE Workshop - Do you have dreams, desires, a feeling, purpose and a vision? Looking to manifest your magical purpose? Of course you do! We are all here for a reason, let's explore together! In this highly experimental workshop, we take your Intentional feeling and map it out. I will guide you through the whole visioning process, Magical meditation and mapping out your feelings, dreams and desires into fruition.  REGISTER here - https://www.facebook.com/events/41203...

Sign up for the monthly SOULletter & Retrograde Planetary Energy eBook HERE - https://www.24khealing.com/retrogrades

* Unleash Your Magic Mentorship course (all about intuition, mediumship development, intuitive coaching, energy awareness/healing and more) Starts January 11, 2021 - SIGN UP HERE https://www.24khealing.com/unleash-your-magic-mentorship

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